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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Chestnuts Roasting, Carolers Singing, and Appropriate Use of Decorations

I find I have an opinion for just about everything if I really try. So, often I don't. But, I find something this season that gives me pause, and when I started thinking about it, an opinon just burbled up. I couldn't help it. I have an opinion about the people who try and put decorations up in early November and tweak them just a bit so they continue to count for the fast-approaching yuletide silent night. I'm ashamed to admit. AtoZ's foyer is chock full of these holiday hybrids.

Culprit #1: Notice the swaths of harvest-colored trim. Where are the ornaments? No, just some badly trimmed ribbon without a true red in sight!

This one is even worse--they have an entire yellow/orange theme! I could even imagine them working some grain in next year. It is just that bad.

I am painfully traditional when it comes to Christmas, it seems. I want to see red and green, white lights and red holly berries. Shoot, I would even welcome some mistletoe . . .bring out the reindeers, the sugar cookies, the little stars and angels. I welcome red-nosed carolers and pot-bellied Santas.. . anything but a harvest-themed holiday that stretches from Halloween all the way through new year's. Blah! What a relief to get that off my chest. --W

1 comment:

  1. I agree. We bring out all the trappings of Christmas, then attempt to call it something "other" than Christmas... Blatant weak-willed pandering to diversity? Probably. But do Christmas decorations really need to be the forum around which the debate of 'inclusiveness' and being 'broadminded' take place? To me it seems, more than saying, "I truly treasure diversity", Christmas decor that isn't Christmas decor sends the message that "I really don't celebrate Christmas".. So, why even put up the decorations in the first place?
