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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

My Usual Way Into Work

I thought I would take a few pictures of my walk into work, since it has some deliciously weird things, as well as some things that are quite lovely. Of course, these pictures are after I stood outside in the death-defying cold, a nigh FRIGID 20 degrees, for almost 5 minutes! Don't worry--all my fingers and toes are still in tact, but I was preparing myself for the worst. Anyways, I take the 79 Express downtown to 5th and James and I step off, and, well, you'll see the rest.

First, I say hello to my windmill friend right before I walk under the viaduct. "Hello, weird windmill friend!"

Next, I give a friendly hello to my Bamboo stick garden, which is outside my local firestation. "Hello, bamboo stick garden with no other oriental garden shout-out anywhere"

Immediately I turn that corner and a gaggle of hydrants await me saying, "it looks like another cold one, Miss I. bundle up." and I say, "you are an odd little assortment of urban treasures, my friends, but boy do I love that color!"

I always like to look back and see what the city looks like today. Yep, it has stayed the same since yesterday.

Ever since Bugga Boo stayed with my me this morning, I have an obsession with finding any VW Beatle and shouting, "Beaver!" I have even tried to get him to play the game with me using our cell phones. But he won't play with me. (violins start playing in the background). Yet despite his ignoring, I still continue to play the game by myself. Poor, poor me. So easily forgotten. :( . . ."Beaver!" Do you see it?

Here is the steep hill parking that I am scared to park in because you literally exit your vehicle at a 75 degree angle. I imagine one little nudge from one car at the top and we'd have a car lot playing a wicked game of Twister by the bottom. Why do I think about such things?

I cross the street and I am in Chinatown. Please note the twisty Mr. Dragon on the pole. Yep, our C-town is just cool like that.

I now walk through my zen water garden where I come to Uuuuummmmm my way through my lunch hour. Not really. I don't even leave my desk for lunch. It is actually quite sad. Steer clear of this little lady when the wind is blowing, though. I learned that the hard way.

And this little installation is where the local folk come to offer their first born. I don't know if you can see it, but it is a circle of tall slabs of rock shaped in druidic proportions. Weird. Just weird.

And here I am. Finally, I am coming down the final stretch.

Here is my little corner office. I hate this location. I just hate it.

But the view is nice . . .sometimes. Thanks for coming into work with me! Tootles!

Love, W

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